
Dimma Traduction

An agency of translators you can trust.
Dimma Traduction

Over 30 years of experience at your service…

Dimma Traduction was set up in 1996 following the buy-out of SARL Dimma (set up in 1985 by experienced translators). Dimma Traductions has been growing and changing ever since although it is still run by translation professionals and now combines experience with technology!

... always with the same goal!

Whether you are a small organisation or a large company, whether your job involves a thousand words or several hundreds of thousands of words, our main goal is to always meet YOUR needs, by offering you high-quality service at the best price.

And we get results...

Our professionalism has a good track record and we are proud of our ever-growing loyalty figures.

The 4 priority rule

To meet our goal and keep you happy, we have set ourselves four priorities.

Service quality


Keeping to deadlines

Adapted rates